Sunday, January 9, 2011


A German friend (and client) lent me a US movie called "Idiocracy", which is not released in Japan, the other day and I loved it. He was saying he had also loved it and already seen it several times. The story is about the human world 500 years from now. A very ordinary military man and a street girl are frozen in an experiment by the US military and travel through time by accident. They end up with the first couple in US where people's intelligence has deteriorated for 500 years. It was a hilarious comedy but contains something you cannot enjoy blindly. I like the character, "the former US President Camacho" the best!



  1. I'll try watching this. I haven't really found the time to enjoy much of anything... well, except Three Idiots (2009). I still smile remembering the scenes from that movie. I'm looking forward to more of your recommendations.

  2. Yeah, some people have recommended me to see Three Idiots. When I have time (I heard it is about 3 hours long), I will definitely see that movie.
